I appeared on TRT World this week to talk about Israel’s “Blue Wolf,” its latest mass surveillance effort to oppress the Palestinians.
Author: asa
The Palestinian resistance – and the need for international solidarity — Asa Winstanley at Resist! Brighton
I spoke at the Resist! event in Brighton last month during Labour Party conference. This was their Palestine panel.
Why alternative media is important to the left — Asa Winstanley at Resist! Brighton
During Labour Party conference in Brighton last month, I spoke at the Resist! event as part of this panel with Peter Oborne and Greg Hadfield at the Rialto Theatre.
Israel’s Influence on the Labour Party — Asa Winstanley talks to MintPress News
I talked to the Mnar Adley on the MintPress News podcast last month about the successfully Israel lobby campaign to depose Jeremy Corbyn and once again reassert its influence on the Labour Party.
Palestine’s great escape — Asa Winstanley on Al Jazeera Arabic
I appeared on Al Jazeera Arabic along with Palestinian professor and BDS activist Haidar Eid to talk about the prisoner escape.
New Israeli Prime Minister No Cause For Palestinian Celebration, Journalist Says — Asa Winstanley on By Any Means Necessary
In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Asa Winstanley, investigative journalist and Associate editor with The Electronic Intifada, to discuss the swearing-in of new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Bennett’s history of bragging about killing Arab people, and why the inclusion of an Arab party in the new coalition seems to have been driven mainly by political expediency.
What Will Change After the End of Netanyahu’s Rule? — Asa Winstanley on TRT World
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to be in the final days of his 12-year rule. But how will the new fragile coalition government differ from Netnayahu’s hardline policies? And will it make any difference to the Palestinians?
Guests: Asa Winstanley Investigative Journalist at the Electronic Intifada Mouin Rabbani Co-Editor at Jadaliyya, an online magazine
BDS: What we need to know

I took part in this Zoom panel for the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign with Omar Barghouti and Andrew Preston. Facebook embed doesn’t work, so click through to it here.
For the seasoned campaigner, those already aware and active, and those fresh to the issue, this webinar is an opportunity to take a moment to understand where the ‘BDS Call’ comes from, how the international solidarity movement has progressed so far and the changed terrain in which we campaign in solidarity with the Palestinian people.What does BDS mean in practice? What are we trying to achieve? Who are our allies and what do we understand about our opposition? Is the Israel lobby as powerful as some believe? What do the events of the last month mean for the Palestinian struggle and for international solidarity?
Questions LIVE — Asa Winstanley on British Muslim TV
CLICK HERE TO WATCH ON FACEBOOK — the Facebook embed feature doesn’t seem to work. Click through to the video and forward it to 01:03:30.
Guest Asa Winstanley, investigative journalist for The Electronic Intifada talks all about Gaza and biased media.
US Gov’t Sabotages Ceasefire Efforts As Israel Kills Hundreds In Gaza — Asa Winstanley on By Any Means Necessary
Listen to “US Silence On Israeli War Crimes Signals “Complete Impunity”—Asa Winstanley” on Spreaker.
In this segment of By Any Means Necessary, host Jacquie Luqman and producer Wyatt Reed are joined by Asa Winstanley, investigative journalist and Associate editor with The Electronic Intifada, to discuss the ongoing refusal by the US government to pressure Israel to cease its air assault on Gaza, the destruction by Israeli forces of the office housing AP and Al Jazeera facilities, and the extent to which the public reaction in the Global North has shifted since Israel’s last attack on the ‘open-air prison’ of Gaza.
‘Prelude To Attempted Genocide’: Asa Winstanley On Israel’s Latest Cycle Of War Against Palestinians — Unathorized Disclosure podcast
Asa Winstanley, a journalist and podcaster with the Electronic Intifada, joins hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola to discuss the latest cycle of Israeli violence against Palestinians. Plus, later in the show, Asa highlights a report he produced on the British secret police and their infiltration of activist groups. To subscribe to this podcast, go to Rokfin.com/UnauthorizedDis
Israel’s war against the people of Gaza — Asa Winstanley on PressTV
I spoke to PressTV during Israel’s war on Gaza.